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How to see who someone followed recently on instagram in 2024

There are a few reasons for wanting to see who an Instagram account of a friend/partner recently followed, here are two:

  1. Just to be generally nosey and see who they are interacting with.

  2. If you're concerned about a partner's loyalty and they have a history of following exes/other romantic interests.

So whether you're just nosey or you have reason to believe your partner could be cheating then knowing the best ways to recent follows is helpful.

Luckily, I know the best tricks:

You could just ask the person.

This is the least technical but most confrontational way. This is only if you are feeling really brave and you are super convinved something is afoot.

Manually checking their instagram follows every so often.

This method is much less confrontational but has two major downsides. First of all, it takes such a long time to scroll through follows and look for new names/profile pictures. Secondly, you could even miss some accounts which is counter intuitive.

I might be biased but I believe we have built the best free tool for taking a look at any Instagram account's new follows and even followers. All you have to do is enter their username and we provide a list of all recent instagram activity. It is completely anonymous and can never be tracked to you, plus it's instant. Enjoy :)

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